Premier Sponsor United Health

Gold Sponsor AnthemGold Sponsor Wisconsin Advantage

This event is Free for Attendees with Free Clinics and Seminars!
1 hour Lite breakfast served at 9am


10 am
Hutchinson Room

Don't Lose Your Home: Preparing for Long-term Care in Wisconsin

About 70% of Americans over 65 will require long-term care, and most aren't ready for the costs. Atty McCleer will cover the three major categories of long-term care, their expected costs, and ways you can prepare while ensuring your most precious assets, like your home, will be protected.

Joseph P. McCleer, Attorney

Joseph P. McCleer
McCleer Law Office, Oshkosh

10 am
Henrietta Room

Relieve Knee Pain Naturally To Reclaim Your Life

Join us for an informative presentation where you'll discover safe, effective, non-surgical, solutions to overcome knee pain and weakness without downtime! Learn unique, clinically proven methods to strengthen your knees and regain confidence in your mobility, even with arthritis or "bone on bone" conditions.

Dr. Eric Koehler

Dr. Eric Koehler, DPT, FAAOMPT
Physical Achievement Center, Oshkosh

11 am
Hutchinson Room

The Importance of Pre-Planning Cemetery & Funeral Needs

Making final arrangements in advance is one of the most loving things you can do for your family. Taking care of Funeral Home and/or Cemetery arrangements for yourself means that loved ones are not faced with having to make difficult decisions on your behalf at the time of need.

Virginia Radtke

Virginia Radtke
Lake View Memorial Park
Ben Soll, Seefeld Funeral Home, Oshkosh

11 am
Henrietta Room

The A, B, C, and D’s of Medicare

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of the Medicare system? Sarah Radosevich of Vizance will simplify the process and empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your healthcare coverage.

Sarah Radosevich

Sarah Radosevich
Vizance Insurance, Oshkosh

12 pm
Hutchinson Room

The Integrative Medicine Mind: Broadening Thinking to Enhance Elder Care.

We might retrain ones thinking to not exclude factors of spiritual, mental, and emotional wellbeing in the discussion of health and wellness. You will walk away with a better understanding of what integrative medicine is.

Mackenzie Hoffmann

Mackenzie Hoffmann
Hoffmann Healing Arts, Oshkosh

12 pm
Henrietta Room

The Difference Between Forgetfulness and Memory Loss

How can you reduce your risk of developing memory loss? If you, a loved one, or a friend experiences memory loss, what should you do, and who can you contact for help? If you are diagnosed with memory loss, what happens next? Mike will answer these questions and more.

Mike Rohrkaste
Fox Valley Memory Project

Exhibitors, Resources, Clinics, Door Prizes

Exhibitors will include representatives from retirement living communities, health care facilities, home healthcare agencies, financial planners, insurance companies, medical facilities,  travel, legal assistance, recreation & fitness, charities, medical equipment, government agencies & programs, rehabilitation centers among many others.

70+ Exhibitors

With Senior Programs & Services.

A Wealth of Knowledge

Doctors and Health Care Facilities
Financial Planners and Insurance companies
Government Programs & Agencies
Home Health Care agencies
Legal Assistance
Recreation & Fitness
Retirement Living & Medical Options
Travel & Leisure
Other Senior related products


Medicare, Social Security and Aging and Disability Resource Center assistance.
Oshkosh Seniors Center
Pharmacy Information
Winnebago County Departments

Door Prizes and Special Giveaways

Door Prizes – Drawn Every Half Hour; Must be Present to Win.
Grand Prize - Need not be Present to Win; Drawing at 1:00pm.

2024 Grand Prize - $250 Piggly Wiggly Gift Card

   Entertainment by Booras
Entertainment by Booras

For Your Health

FREE Health Screenings, Free Hearing Tests.
Free Flu Shots (bring your Medicare and insurance cards)

Flu Clinic by Walgreens

Flu Clinic by Walgreens

Free Hearing Screening

Hearing Screening by Fox Valley Hearing Center

Blood Pressure Clinic

Blood Pressure Clinic by ADVOCAP

Health & Fitness Demos

10:30-11:00 Oshkosh Seniors Center - Ukelele group Demo

layout styles

Oshkosh Humane Society
Come visit with therapy dogs in the Lobby!

and have fun doing it!

Contact and Hotel Info

  • Hotel:
    The Time of Your Life Senior Expo has a special Guest room rate at the
    Oshkosh Waterfront Hotel & Convention Center.
    Phone: (920) 230-1900
    The rate is $109.99/night + tax, Sept. 30th & Oct. 1st

    Hotel Web Site  Directions
Premier Sponsor United Health

Gold Sponsor AnthemGold Sponsor Wisconsin Advantage
Make your retirement years the very best Time of Your Life!

Produced by Selective Shows LLC.  © Copyright 2025 Selective Shows LLC. All Rights Reserved.